<<It is likely that the mastiffs,as a group of dogs,can lay claim to being the group most misused by man.Developed to pull down big game,such as wild bull,auroch,stag,boar and bison,many more hunting mastiffs died in the hunt
than their quarry.Employed too as butchers dogs,many were killed by ferocius beasts not keen to proceed to the slaughter house.Utilisedin the baiting rings,against such formidable adversaries as bull and bear,even lions,many met their and here too.Nowdays many are more likely to lead a sad life through being either owned by the wrong people on inapppropriate conditions or bred to a harmful design based on misinterpation of their past form.Keeping huge dogs in crambed conditions or not providing suitable excercise is indirect cruelty just as baiting captive animals is direct cruelty.Breeding exaggerated or malformed dogs is even worse.It is never acceptable to try to excuse a poor specimen by pleading ""but it is a good mastiff"">>
colonel David Hanckock αυθεντια στις φυλες τυπου μαστιφ .
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