Ποτε δεν χρησιμοποιηθηκε εσκεμενα αιμα απο μια αλλη φυλη, ενω μπορει να ειχαν χρησιμοποιηθει καποια σκυλια, ως μοναδες που πληρουσαν τα χαρακτηριστικα.
Το να πει λοιπον καποιος οτι το corso ειναι "μαστινο με πιτ" η "ροτ με μολοσσο" η δεν ξερω τι αλλη σουπα γενικα, δεν ευσταθει, δεν θα εψαχναν οι ανθρωποι στου διολου τον κωλο να βρουν σκυλια για να κανουν ζευγαρωματα κ να φερουν ζωα προς καταρτιση προτυπου κατ αρχην, θα ζευγαρωναν απλα Χ και Ψ φυλη κ θα τα ειχαν ετοιμα.... Αντ αυτου δυο κ βαλε δεκαετιες εκαναν συστηματικες προσπαθειες να ΜΗΝ προσθεσουν κατι που γνωριζαν οτι ειναι κατι αλλο, αλλα να χρησιμοποιησουν οσα πιστευαν οτι ηταν.....
Τι ωραία που θα ήταν αν ήταν έτσι !! Αλλά δεν είναι !!
Την εποχή ειδικά του διαδικτύου ισχύει πολύ περισσότερο η φράση ότι μπορεί να κοροϊδέψεις πολλούς για λίγο, λίγους για πολύ, όχι όμως όλους για πάντα.
Παρά τα αντιθέτως θρυλούμενα, τόσο το ιταλικό όσο και το αμερικάνικο κόρσο, γενετικά είναι ακριβώς τα ίδια. Επίσης, Πολλές φυλές χρησιμοποιήθηκαν σε εκτεταμένο βαθμό, συνειδητά και συγκροτημένα, από την αρχή της δημιουργίας της φυλής. Σε τέτοιο μάλιστα βαθμό που ο ίδιος ο πατέρα της φυλής,
ο Μπρέμπερ εγκατέλειψε τον SAAC γιατί έβαζαν πολλά ξένα αίματα και κατέστρεφαν τη φυλή, όμως και η δική του προσπάθεια στο τέλος απέτυχεε ……
Πως αποδεικνύονται όλα αυτά ; Πάμε λοιπόν :
Μία πολύ ενδιαφέρουσα επιστημονική γενετική ανάλυση των ιταλικών φυλών (θα ενδιαφέρει και την
@Eroe ) :
Σταχυολογώ τα πιο ενδιαφέροντα σημεία :
First, we found that the American population of the Cane Corso shows significant haplotype sharing with the
Rottweiler, reproducing previous results (Parker et al.,
Finally, no new findings were identified for the Neapolitan mastiffs indicating that the two populations display no differences in haplotype sharing patterns. In each of the three breeds analyzed, the populations from both countries largely show strong levels of similarity, both in phylogenetic relationship and ancestral breed hybridization yet two breeds,
The Neapolitan Mastiffs, while forming a distinct breed, did not show separation by country. The Cane Corsos did not group as a breed, rather they are paraphyletic to the Neapolitan Mastiffs, as was noted previously (Parker et al.,
By comparison, the Neapolitan Mastiff and Cane Corso have a much shorter and more intertwined history and were recognized by the AKC in 2004 and 2010, respectively.
Λεπτομέρεια ενός πίνακα που δείχνει τις σχέσεις και συγγένειες των φυλών :
Βλέπουμε, όπως λέει και η μελέτη, το ιταλικό και αμερικανικό κάνε κόρσο να μην έχουν καμία απολύτως διαφορά και να συνδέονται άμεσα και τα δύο με τα μπόξερ, μπουλμαστιφ, μαστιφ, μπουλντογκ, μποερμπόελ και ντογκ ντε μπορντώ.
Επιβεβαιώνεται σε πολλά σημεία και το ακόλουθο "άρθρο γνώμης"
που λέει μεταξύ άλλων :
The present-day Cane Corso exists in decent numbers, but because of reckless breeding and
crosses with some bull-breeds, it is getting difficult to find a true representative of the breed. Although the initial efforts were focused on preserving the original farm dogs from Puglia and surrounding areas,
a fair amount of English Bullmastiff and German Boxer blood was introduced in the early years of the revival programme to help expand the Cane Corso gene pool
While Vito Indiveri and Paolo Breber are credited as the leading forces in the salvation of the breed, the influence of other, lesser known participants shouldn't be ignored, even if they've been
less than honest about their breeding practices, which
oftentimes relied on the employment of somewhat questionable outcrosses. The dogs found in the rural areas were one thing, but examples found closer to the cities and oftentimes from fighting bloodlines were something altogether different.
Regardless of the romantic interpretations of the Cane Corso history, it should be clear to everyone that the modern incarnation of the breed was established on the foundation stock that numbered both the old and isolated strains of true farm workers, as well as the examples whose origin is neither ancient nor pure.
Sadly, a great number of modern Italian examples can be seen with uncharacteristic head shapes and overly short muzzles
, thanks to the widely accepted, yet strongly denied, excessive use of Boxer blood in Corso breedings in recent years. However, there is a number of Corso fanciers in Italy who are breeding for a specific type, which they believe to be pure and historically correct, commonly referred to as the Cane Corso Ortognato. The unrelated breed known as the American Corso Dog is a modern creation
, developed in the United States by crossing the Neapolitan Mastiff with the Rottweiler and various Bandogges.
Even though this American breed is oftentimes presented as the Cane Corso, it has no real ties with the Italian breed. ( Η προηγούμενη έρευνα καταδεικνύει το αντίθετο. Άρα ; )
some western lines have been enriched with the blood of other working dogs, namely the Presa Canario, American Pit Bull Terrier, Neapolitan Mastiff, Bullmastiff, Rottweiler, Boxer and the aforementioned American Corso Dog, resulting in a great variety within the breed in the United States, bluring the lines between the American-bred Cane Corso Italiano and the American Corso Dog breeds even more.
Εδώ έχει πολύ ενδιαφέροντα στοιχεία για τα πρώτα χρόνια δημιουργίας της φυλής, τα πολλά ξένα αίματα, τις απογοητεύσεις αυτών που ξεκίνησαν την προσπάθεια, τις φυλές που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν, οι σκοποί που ήταν το εύκολο και γρήγορο κέρδος κλπ
This is an article by the norwegian former Corso (Puglia strain) breeder Hactor Svelland, who claimes that
todays Cane Corso is a mix of the rustic Cane Corso, crossbred with Napolitano mastiff X Boxer x Bordeuxdogue X Bullmastiff.
The only true Cane Corso left is the Corso Puglia, made out of 18 dogs by
Paolo Breber, who left the breeding program in 1986, because the SACC (Sosietà Amatori Cane Corso) wanted to mix in other breeds, to make the Cane Corso breed faster growing, and earn some good money in the process, from the breeds newly revived popularity.
Paolo Breber left the group because of
the group's intentions to destroy the breed rather than to protect and save it. Paolo Breber had clear intentions about how the reconstruction could be done, but was met with other challenges that he would not be involved in conducting.
There was input from members of the group to cross other breeds into the existing individuals who made it impossible for him to stay. If other breeds was mixed into the Corso, then the breed would be destroyed immediately. So Paolo Breber left the building.
Paolo Breber had 18 Corso`s in his kennel. These dogs he had chosen from different areas in Puglia, Calabria and Bari. Common to all of them was that they had characteristics that the Corso should have, and they were fairly equal being same type in characteristics and appearance. It was not possible to find very type like, or uniformed Corsos. Different areas of use and different origins of the Corso dogs explains the difference in it`s appearance
. Breber knew little about the background of the breed, except from what the farmers told him. His first litter was from the bitch Tipsy and the stud dog Dauno. The offspring Basir became the model for the breed`s standard in 1980.
Through selective breeding Paolo Breber wanted to reconstruct the breed, but then the conflict started towards those who would exploit the breeds characteristics and public revived popularity, for their own benefit.
In 1992, for easier to follow the development of the breed, ENCI decided registering births of Corso`s by parents who had been judged and approved by judges in the show ring.
This led to a stream of (new) blood lines and different types of Corso`s. Many were not purebred either. Anyone could show off a dog as a Cane Corso. I write Cane Corso here because it was what was to be the new name that the breed should be declared under.
Anything could be a Corso. and yes, it was clean purebred Corso`s from Puglia too, most often with a scissors bite, also called Ortognato.
there were many mixed dogs, and individuals who had nothing to do with the Corso at all. An exhibition judge only demanded a 1.AK from the Cane Corso for enrollment in ENCI`s register. That`s a red ribbon from one who might not have the greater understanding and knowledge of this breed at all. The breed was, after all, relatively unknown to ENCI`s judges at that time.
Things have gone so entirely wrong that it is almost impossible to trust anyone anymore. There are stories on stories, but nothing are being admitted publicly by breeders of the race. There are fake HD diagnoses and fake studbooks. It's only the money that matters to so many, no matter what they are trying to get others into believing.
Σούπα ; Όχι βέβαια, ρώσσικη σαλάτα είναι το κόρσο .......