SHOCKING inversion in the case of the little boy mauled by dogs !
The DNA tests show that he was NOT mauled by the stray dogs in that parc !
The investigation regarding the death of the 4 year old , due to dog bites, on Sept,2 , 2013, in Parcul Tei, revealed shocking details, which can uverturn the present supposition, which stipulated that he was mauled to death by 6 stray dogs.
Inside sources declared for DeCe News, that, based on the data obtained until now, the DNA tests – done on the samples collected after the incident, that the wounds inflicted on the little boy, they did NOT find any DNA from those 6 dogs, accused for his death.
Thus, the theory that the little boy was killed by a dog trained for dog fighting, and then his body was Placed where he was found, in order to blam the stray dogs, becomes more and more coherent.
These informations needs to be confirmed officialy, after more tests will be done.
Senator Marinescu : there was a dog trained for fight.
Former Senator, Marius Marinescu, President of FPAM, confirmed for DeCe News, this information, citing Police sources.
He also sustains that this hypothesis will be eventually confirmed and the entire hysteria against stray dogs was useless.
” I have sustained from the very beginnig, that the little boy was killed by a dog trained fo fighting. It would have been impossible for the stray dogs to generate all those wounds on his body. It would have been impossible, that after such attack, those dogs to be so peaceful , stay quiet and wave their tails. Specialist in dog behavior understood from the beginning that those dogs were NOT GUILTY. Maybe one of them sniffed the boy while laying on the ground and got stained with blood, but those blood stains on the dog were not the results of biting the child. This was a misinformation campaign, to instigate and divide the population. AT this moment the authorities MUST find the owner of the dog trained for fights, and dragged the little boy to the place where he was found.” – declared Mr. Marinescu.
ȘTIRE INCREDIBILĂ: Copilul NU a fost ucis de nici unul dintre cei șase câini maidanezi - StareaNATIUNII.com
SHOCKING inversion in the case of the little boy mauled by dogs !
The DNA tests show that he was NOT mauled by the stray dogs in that parc !
The investigation regarding the death of the 4 year old , due to dog bites, on Sept,2 , 2013, in Parcul Tei, revealed shocking details, which can uverturn the present supposition, which stipulated that he was mauled to death by 6 stray dogs.
Inside sources declared for DeCe News, that, based on the data obtained until now, the DNA tests – done on the samples collected after the incident, that the wounds inflicted on the little boy, they did NOT find any DNA from those 6 dogs, accused for his death.
Thus, the theory that the little boy was killed by a dog trained for dog fighting, and then his body was Placed where he was found, in order to blam the stray dogs, becomes more and more coherent.
These informations needs to be confirmed officialy, after more tests will be done.
Senator Marinescu : there was a dog trained for fight.
Former Senator, Marius Marinescu, President of FPAM, confirmed for DeCe News, this information, citing Police sources.
He also sustains that this hypothesis will be eventually confirmed and the entire hysteria against stray dogs was useless.
” I have sustained from the very beginnig, that the little boy was killed by a dog trained fo fighting. It would have been impossible for the stray dogs to generate all those wounds on his body. It would have been impossible, that after such attack, those dogs to be so peaceful , stay quiet and wave their tails. Specialist in dog behavior understood from the beginning that those dogs were NOT GUILTY. Maybe one of them sniffed the boy while laying on the ground and got stained with blood, but those blood stains on the dog were not the results of biting the child. This was a misinformation campaign, to instigate and divide the population. AT this moment the authorities MUST find the owner of the dog trained for fights, and dragged the little boy to the place where he was found.” – declared Mr. Marinescu.
ȘTIRE INCREDIBILĂ: Copilul NU a fost ucis de nici unul dintre cei șase câini maidanezi - StareaNATIUNII.com