ειμαστε gun dogs βλεπειςΑυτοι εχουν αναγει το σφυριγμα σε επιστημη !!!!!
Να και τα steps εκπαιδευσης που προτεινουν οι κοκεραδες...
Here is my recipe for a truly reliable recall
Things you need
Choose a treat or some other reward that is going to be used only for the whistle and nothing else. This reward has to be really high value.
A whistle that when you blow it you can hear it. If your dog has learned to ignore a whistle then choose a different one.
I use an Acme 210.5
Before doing any of the following make sure your dog is not afraid of the sound of the whistle. Introduce the sound at a distance and gauge your dogs reaction.
If your dog appears fearful then think about choosing anther recall cue.
A selection of whistle sounds can be found on the Acme website if you click on the individual products
Step 1
Blow the whistle (Fast continuous pips work well for recall) while your dog is with you and feed them the treat while holding their collar.
Do this three times a day for a week.
Make sure you feed as you blow the whistle.
Step 2
Blow the whistle while your dog is in the same room but not at your side. When they come, hold their collar and feed them the treat or play the special game.
Make sure your dog is already on the way to you when you blow the whistle.
Do this for two or three days.
Step 3
Blow the whistle while your dog is in another room. Make sure your dog is already on the way to you when you blow the whistle. When they come, hold their collar and feed them the treat etc.
Do this for two or three days.
Step 4
Blow the whistle while your dog is in the garden and you are in the house. Make sure your dog is already on the way to you when you blow the whistle. When your dog comes, hold their collar and feed them the treat.
Do this for two or three days.
Do at least one repetition where you feed or play with the dog (which ever they prefer) for a full thirty seconds.
Step 5
Blow the whistle while your dog is on a long line or extending lead in a field. Make sure your dog is already on the way to you when you blow the whistle. When your dog comes, hold their collar and feed them the treat.
Do this for two weeks. Do at least one repetition where you feed or play the dog for a full thirty seconds.
Step 6
Blow the whistle while your dog is off lead but not playing. Make sure your dog is already on the way to you when you blow the whistle. When your dog comes, hold their collar and feed them the treat. Do at least one repetition where you feed the dog for a full thirty seconds.
Step 7
Blow the whistle while your dog is playing but on a long line. Start to walk backwards with the line and when your do turns towards you get down to his level, open up your body and blow your whistle recall, keep blowing the whistle until he gets to you When your dog comes, hold their collar and feed them the treat.
Do this for two weeks. Do at least one repetition where you feed the dog for a full thirty seconds.
I would add that you should not attempt to blow the whistle unless you are 100% your dog will respond in the early days or even months so your dog never learns to ignore the sound. I would not want to be blowing the whistle twice or else the dog will learn he comes sometimes when he hears it.
This is why I use the security blanket of a long line more than other folks, because I want the conditioning to be strong. This is so the dog hears whistle and knows exactly what to do, doesn't have to think, just does because that is what happens when he hears the sound.
When training this, if you can't put your mortgage on your dog coming back then DON'T blow the whistle or you will undo the conditioning process.
Think about what your dog finds rewarding and use it to your advantage, make the environment work for you rather than against you. Reward anytime your dog voluntarily checks in and be sure to send them away when you have finished rewarding them. I would also hand feed your dog at least one meal a day.
Hope this helps