εγώ φοβάμαι τυχών παρενέργειες στο προσδόκιμο ζωής........
Εννοείς αντί για 15 χρόνια 12 ή το κάνουμε κ μπαμ κ κάτω έτσι απλά μωράκι μου φευγάτο???:dohh:
εγώ φοβάμαι τυχών παρενέργειες στο προσδόκιμο ζωής........
σε κάποια απο τα μέρη που έγιναν οι δοκιμές υπήρχε μόλυνση σε εμβολιασμένα σκυλιά σε ποσοστό 57%............
δηλαδή εμ εμβολιασμένα ,έμ τσίμπησαν το παράσιτο
απ την άλλη πάλι υπήρχαν 28% των σκύλων που δεν είχαν εμβολιαστεί που δεν νόσησαν
δηλαδή ...τι?
εντωμεταξύ-το 43% των εμβολιασμένων.......δεν ξέρουμε και αν τσιμπήθηκαν....
μπορεί δηλαδή ένα μέρος τους να μην νοσούσαν έτσι κι αλλιώς..........
Field study of CaniLeish in dogs from 4 months of age/ Safety investigation
Animals: Dogs of various breeds (51 breeds), aged of at least 4 months on D0, in 28 locations in France were used. Adult dogs were included in the simple follow-up design and puppies in the complete one (see below)
Vaccine: CaniLeish, formulated at 110 μg of ESP per ml.
Vaccination scheme: 3 vaccinations at 3 weeks interval D0, D21, D42
Safety investigation: At inclusion: haematology and serology for anti-Leishmania antibody titres by IFA test. Local and general clinical examinations (including rectal temperature) were carried out by the veterinarian on D0 (before the first vaccination), D0+4h, D2, D7, D14, D21, D21+4h, D23, D28, D35, D42, D42+4h, D44, D49 and D56. Body weights were recorded on D0, D21, D42 and D56. Further clinical examinations were carried out by the investigator on D1, D3, D4, D22, D24, D25, D43, D45 and D46 for some of the puppies aged from 16 to 24 weeks (i.e. aged from 4 to 6 months). The owners recorded any reactions observed after vaccination. All dogs were negative for anti-leishmania IgG antibody titres at inclusion. All the puppies presented progressive weight gains throughout the study, except a single puppy which presented no weight gain with any other
clinical sign. The mean body weight of the adults remained stable throughout the study.
The vaccine did not induce in dogs of various breeds any specific adverse reactions other than those observed in previous safety studies carried out in beagles: local reaction as swelling, nodule, pain on palpation or erythema, hyperthermia, apathy and digestive disturbance.
In the field study described above a total of approximately 15% dogs were Leishmania-positive at the time of the first injection. Most of them did not present adverse effect after any of the three injections. For the remaining dogs no vaccine-related systemic reactions were observed. Three dogs displayed a reaction at the injection site, with pain and swelling 24 hours after the second and third injections. These local reactions are common and were not different from those observed in the Leishmania-negative population, neither in terms of reaction type nor of intensity. Consequently, the tolerance of the vaccine was good in the dogs that had been in contact with the parasite before the first injection. The following sentence can be thus claimed in paragraph 4.5 "Special precautions for use":
"During the trials, injection of the vaccine to dogs already infected by Leishmania infantum did not show any specific adverse reactions other than those described in section 4.6"
Moreover during efficacy studies, safety follow-ups were carried out after the vaccine injections. In particular, the key efficacy study which was a field study included a detailed safety follow-up with examinations of general and local reactions. Reactions that may be observed did not differ from those obtained in the safety studies and remain within an acceptable range for a canine vaccine.
αν διαβάσεις το λίνκΞερουμε ποσα χρονια γινονται δοκιμες για να ειμαστε σιγουροι για προβληματα που μπορει να εμφανιστουν σε βαθος χρονου;