Και για του λόγου μου το αληθές περί έλλειψης καραντίνας στην Αμερική, ορίστε και το επίσημο email που έλαβα τον περασμένο Ιούλιο από το αρμόδιο ομοσπονδιακό Υπουργείο Υγείας:
Thank you for your inquiry to CDC-INFO. In response to your request for information on requirements for bringing your dog to the United States, we are pleased to provide you with the following relevant information.
If you are bringing your dog from a country that is rabies-free, CDC does not require a valid certificate of rabies vaccine (shot).
Greece is listed as a rabies-free country.
The following chart lists countries that have reported no cases of rabies during the most recent period for which information is available (formerly referred to as rabies-free countries ):
There is no quarantine for dogs entering the U.S., except for those going to Hawaii or Guam Territories.
However, each state has its own rules for pet ownership. These may exceed the federal regulations for entry into the U.S. To check the animal importation requirements for the state you will be living in, you can visit the U.S. State and Territory Import Regulations website at the following link:
You should also check with your airline to ask about any fees or policies that they may have about traveling with your pet.
If you have any questions or have any problems at the port of entry, you can contact the nearest CDC Quarantine Station and ask for assistance. Contact information for CDC Quarantine Stations is available online at:
The following information applies only to dogs entering the U.S. from a country that has reported cases of rabies:
For dogs entering the U.S. from a country that has reported cases of rabies, a valid, current certificate of rabies vaccination (shot) is needed. If the dog is less than 3 months old and doesn t have the rabies shot, you will be asked to sign an agreement to confine the dog until the vaccine is considered effective
If you do not have a current rabies vaccine, you may still bring your dog into the country, but you will need to sign a confinement agreement. You would need to confine your dog until it is vaccinated and then for an additional 30 days. You can get a copy of the agreement on the CDC website.
Confinement is defined as restriction (limit) of the dog to a building or other enclosure, in isolation (away) from other animals and people, except for the contact it needs for its care. Confinement can mean your home or anywhere you choose to confine your dog. If the dog is allowed out of the enclosure, you must muzzle the dog and use a leash.
The puppy needs to be in a proper kennel the entire time that you are within the gate area and the Customs hall. If security asks you to take your puppy out for inspection, you should explain that the puppy is not supposed to come out of the kennel for confinement purposes. If you have to walk the dog, it must be outside the terminal and on a leash.
You should exercise your good judgment at all times. Keep in mind that the concern is one of your legal liability if an injury occurs. If no other people or animals are nearby and there is no chance that the dog can bite someone, then you do not have a problem.
If you are just transiting through the airport and not staying in the U.S., you might not be asked to fill out any forms for CDC.
It might be a good idea to have the contact information for the nearest CDC Quarantine Station. That way if you have questions or have any problems at the port of entry you can ask for help.
If you have any questions or have any problems at the port of entry, you can contact the nearest CDC Quarantine Station and ask for assistance.
More information is available on the CDC website at the following link:
Thank you for contacting CDC-INFO Contact Center. Please do not hesitate to call 1-800-CDC-INFO, e-mail cdcinfo@cdc.gov or visit http://www.cdc.gov if you have any additional questions.
CDC-INFO is a service of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). This service is provided by Vangent, Inc. under contract to CDC and ATSDR.
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