Πάντως υπάρχουν πολλοί υποστηριχτές της αυξημένης πρωτεΐνης στην τροφή ακόμα και για κουτάβια μεγαλόσωμης ράτσα , για τους αγγλομαθείς εδώ είναι η γνώμη ενός Καναδού εκτροφέα rotwielers
...the high protein foods actually make it harder to gain weight. Many dogs that change from a meat/grain based food to a higher meat/no grain food start losing weight. Think of the Atkins Diet...high protein, high fat...and people lose weight.
The high protein will not bother a healthy dog...my dogs are eating Orijen right now...it's 40% protein...the food consists of 70% meat and 30 % vegetables and fruits.
High protein food that is made up of proteins from grains...then he will gain weight.
Often the cheaper foods use grains to boost the protein contents, because there is very little meat in the actual food. Meat cost money...most grains are cheap.
All proteins are not alike. The body utilizes the proteins from meat differently than the protein from grains.
It does not all have to come out of a bag to be good
a bit of leftover chicken or beef, some scrambled egg, a bit of cottage cheese, a bit of pasta or leftover homemade soup...all things that dogs have been eating for thousands of years and managed fine, giving half a tin of sardines (in water)...on top of his food. Most dogs love sardines and they are really good for them. Tuna is not something I give often, or eat often myself...lots of heavy metals and chemical residuals in tuna…………