CONFIRMATION: THE LEGISLATIVE TEXTDecree n ° 74-195 of 26 February 1974 relating to the keeping of Herd Book for the canine species.
Note: The parties put in italics in the text are excerpts from the decree.
I. General Principles
Art. 4 - Confirmation is required for breeding of both sexes and can not take place before the age of 10 months. This confirmation can be made from different criteria for each sex and include several qualifications, the highest class on breeding for which it is given abilities.Age and qualification standards will be set for each race in accordance with the federation into the studbook by authorized specialized associations.
- The confirmation is essential for definitive registration Herdbook enabling recipients to reproduce issues recordable under the offspring. The confirmation must be obtained and the final entry in the LOF performed before mating breeding.
- Each specialized Association race concerned is required to determine, in consultation with the Commission Zootechnique , the list of grounds for refusal of confirmation. The list of confirmation refusal established by a specialized Association race is applicable only after approval by the Commission Zootechnique CCS and approval by the Committee .
The Breed Associations may, as necessary, propose to the Société Centrale Canine changing the minimum age for confirmation in their race , which must match the imposed minimum age for admission to exhibition being specified that this age can not be less than 10 months. A subject does not conform to standards its breed standard is, in any case, likely to be confirmed. II - Location confirmatory examinations Art. 4 - Operations confirmation that the implementing rules are set by the federation maintains the stud book, carry on any point of the metropolitan area during rallies organized dog with the approval of the Federation holding the herd book.
- The meetings during which operations can be performed for confirmation and were set by the Société Centrale Canine:
1. national or international dog shows and presentations organized by the companies affiliated to the Regional Canines CSC
2. National or regional livestock exhibitions and meetings of delegations organized by Breed Associations affiliated with the agreement of the Regional Companies.
3. 's fields trials organized by the Regional Companies and Associations of race.
4. . confirmation sessions organized by the Regional Companies and Associations of race .
5 . Tests Work for greyhounds organized by Breed Associations and Clubs Greyhounds work are therefore excluded: contests, events and demonstrations watchdogs and defense."
Société Centrale Canine - Ce que dit la loi