"The European Convention for breeding and keeping home animals as well as the new Swiss laws for animal protection presently in preparation (in the draft Art. 9.2.) forbid "the production and keeping of animals with certain characteristics especially anomalies in build and behaviour….." Thus a number of dog breeds are under scrutiny.
Out of anxiety that due to these new legal regulations a very old domestic dog breed becomes distinct the central committee of the Swiss Kennel Club (SKG) decided in 2000 to agree to a breeding program for the improvement of the health situation of the English Bulldog and gave permission to the bulldog breeder, Imelda Angehrn, to cross English Bulldogs with Olde English Bulldogs and Victorian Bulldogs.
Goal of these experiments was to create a medium sized bulldog which meets all the requirements of a healthy dog as established by the animal protection laws.
The cross-breeds, however, showed very soon that the significant improvement of the health situation of the English Bulldog would lead to the creation of a new breed, a breed that would be very close to the original type of the Bulldog. In order to clearly distinguish the new breed from the English Bulldog, the name "Continental Bulldog" was chosen.
The decisions and measures in connection with the creation of the new breed were made in accordance with FCI (representatives of the Standard and Scientific Commissions)
As soon as the requirements by FCI have been fulfilled, application to the FCI for recognition of the new breed shall be submitted."
About CB - Continental Bulldog Kennel - Cool Dog Star - UNREGISTERED VERSION
Continental Bulldog
Out of anxiety that due to these new legal regulations a very old domestic dog breed becomes distinct the central committee of the Swiss Kennel Club (SKG) decided in 2000 to agree to a breeding program for the improvement of the health situation of the English Bulldog and gave permission to the bulldog breeder, Imelda Angehrn, to cross English Bulldogs with Olde English Bulldogs and Victorian Bulldogs.
Goal of these experiments was to create a medium sized bulldog which meets all the requirements of a healthy dog as established by the animal protection laws.
The cross-breeds, however, showed very soon that the significant improvement of the health situation of the English Bulldog would lead to the creation of a new breed, a breed that would be very close to the original type of the Bulldog. In order to clearly distinguish the new breed from the English Bulldog, the name "Continental Bulldog" was chosen.
The decisions and measures in connection with the creation of the new breed were made in accordance with FCI (representatives of the Standard and Scientific Commissions)
As soon as the requirements by FCI have been fulfilled, application to the FCI for recognition of the new breed shall be submitted."
About CB - Continental Bulldog Kennel - Cool Dog Star - UNREGISTERED VERSION
Continental Bulldog