True Love


Well-Known Member
26 Ιουλίου 2006
Παλιοτερα ειχα μεταφρασει ενα κειμενο και το εβαλα στην σελιδα μου, επειδη με αγγιξε παρα πολυ.
Θελω να το μοιραστω μαζι σας;

Αληθινή αγάπη
Στην ζωή του κάθε ζωόφιλου υπάρχουν τρεις ημέρες, τις οποίες θυμάται για όλη του την ζωή:
Η πρώτη μέρα είναι ευλογημένη, γεμάτη με απέραντη χαρά, όταν φέρουμε τον καινούργιο φίλο στο σπίτι μας. Ίσως μετά από συνετή επιλογή φυλής, φύλου, εκτροφέα και μετά από μεγάλο διάστημα αναμονής?
Ίσως επειδή βρέθηκε μπροστά μας, έτσι απλά, στην σκοτεινή αποθήκη του γείτονα, στην βιτρίνα του Pet Shop, στα σκουπίδια πεταμένο, καταδικασμένο σε θάνατο, μέσα σε μια κούτα στην άκρη του δρόμου?
Αλλά όπως και να έχει : κάτι, στην θέα του, έχει αγγίξει την καρδιά.
Όταν έχεις φέρει το επιλεγμένο ζωάκι στο σπίτι σου, όπου μετά από μια εξερεύνηση όλων των γωνιών, έρχεται κοντά σου και ζητάει τα χάδια σου, σε πλημμυρίζει ένα αίσθημα αγνής αγάπης. Ένα πρωτόγνωρο δυνατό αίσθημα για σένα, το οποίο θα σε συντροφεύει για πολλά χρόνια, όπου θα περάσεις μαζί του.
Η δεύτερη μέρα έρχεται μετά από αρκετά χρόνια, ίσως μετά από έξι, ίσως μετά από οχτώ, όταν κοιτάζεις το αγαπημένο σου ζώο και αντί για την γνώριμη ενέργεια, διακρίνεις κάποια κούραση. Εκεί που έβλεπες νιάτα, βλέπεις πια γηρατειά.
Τότε αρχίζεις να αλλάζεις λίγο την ζωή σου και του τετράποδου φίλου σου. Απλά κοιτάς να είναι βολικά και ζεστά, με περισσότερες ανέσεις και ακόμα πιο πολλή αφοσίωση...
Μέσα σου ωστόσο θα αισθανθείς να μεγαλώνει ένας φόβος, ο οποίος σου δίνει άλλοτε πιο αχνά, άλλοτε πιο δυνατά να καταλάβεις το κενό, που θα σε περιμένει, όταν φτάσει η τρίτη ημέρα.
Αυτήν την τρίτη ημέρα, όταν έχουν πέσει τα ζάρια και εσύ έχασες, ίσως θα βρεθείς αντιμέτωπος με μια απόφαση, την οποία θα πρέπει να την πάρεις μόνος σου.
Για χάρη του καλού σου φίλου και με την υποστήριξη της συνείδησής σου, ότι κάνεις το σωστό, πρέπει να μην σκεφτείς εγωιστικά, αλλά πάνω απ όλα να φροντίσεις να μην υποφέρει ο φίλος σου.
Με όποιον τρόπο και αν φύγει το ζώο σου, εσύ θα νιώθεις μόνος. Μόνος στον κόσμο, σαν ένα μοναδικό αστέρι στον σκοτεινό ουρανό.
Εάν είσαι έξυπνος, θα παραδοθείς στο πένθος σου, θα αφήσεις να ρέουν τα δάκρυά σου ελεύθερα και χωρίς ντροπή.
Εάν είσαι μέλος της σημερινής μας, τυπικής κοινωνίας, δε θα βρεις εύκολα άλλους ανθρώπους, που θα μπορούν να καταλάβουν ή να μοιράζονται τον πόνο σου, έστω και στο ελάχιστο.
Αλλά εάν παραδέχεσαι ειλικρινά την αγάπη, την οποία είχες αισθανθεί τόσα χρόνια, για το κατοικίδιό σου, το οποίο φρόντισες να μην του λείπει τίποτα, θα αισθανθείς ίσως, ότι κάποια ψυχή, πολύ πιο μικρή από την δικιά σου, είναι μαζί σου. Πάντα θα σε συντροφεύει στις μοναχικές ημέρες οι οποίες θα ακολουθήσουν, και θα σου δώσει παρηγοριά.
Και τότε, εκεί που περιμένεις να συμβούν όλα τα καθημερινά, συνηθισμένα πράγματα, ίσως να καταλάβεις μια μουσούδα να σε ακουμπάει στο πόδι, πολύ ελαφρά, έτσι ακριβώς, όπως συνήθιζε να κάνει ο φίλος σου. Τότε θα θυμηθείς τις τρεις σημαντικές ημέρες.

Η ανάμνηση θα είναι μάλλον πολύ επίπονη και θα χαραχτεί βαθιά μέσα στην καρδιά σου και όσο περνάει ο καιρός, αυτός ο πόνος θα πάει και έρχεται, σαν να έχει δικιά του θέληση. Αυτός ο πόνος μπορεί να σε μπερδέψει. Όταν τον αποδέχεσαι, θα τον νιώθεις ακόμα πιο βαθιά, όταν τον αρνηθείς, θα σε καταθλίψει.
Αλλά μην απελπίζεσαι. Κάποια μέρα θα έρθει και μια τέταρτη ημέρα, όπου συνειδητοποιείς κάτι που αφορά μόνο εσένα. Αυτό θα είναι μοναδικό και δυνατό και παίρνει μια ζωντανή μορφή αγάπης και, όπως το άρωμα του τριαντάφυλλου που έμεινε στον αέρα κι όμως έχει μαραθεί εδώ και καιρό, έτσι παραμένει κι αυτή η αγάπη. Θα μεγαλώσει ακόμα πιο πολύ και θα υπάρξει πάντα στις αναμνήσεις σου.
Αυτή είναι η αγάπη, την οποία κερδίσαμε. Μια κληρονομιά που μας αφήνουν τα κατοικίδιά μας όταν πρέπει να φύγουν.
Και αυτό είναι ένα δώρο όπου θα το κουβαλάμε μαζί μας, όσο θα ζούμε.Αυτό είναι αγάπη που ανήκει μόνο σε μας.

Και μέχρι να έρθει η δικιά μας ημέρα, όπου ίσως θα ακολουθήσουμε όλους τους τετράποδους φίλους μας, θα είναι μια ΑΓΑΠΗ, την οποία δεν πρόκειται να την χάσουμε ποτέ.-
Ελεύθερη μετάφραση κειμένου του Martin Scott Kosins, συγγραφέα του „Mayas first Rose“


Well-Known Member
27 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007
Είμαστε σίγουρα τυχεροί από τέτοιες γνωριμίες..,
τόσο τυχεροί που έχουμε γνωρίσει τέτοιες αγάπες..,
τόσο πολύ που άντε να τις συγκρίνεις μεταξύ των ανθρώπων..,
τόσο αληθινές που άντε να συμβιβαστείς με κάτι ποιο λίγο..,
τόσο πιστες όσο τίποτα..
Τόσα πολλά και όλα, αυτά μας τα μαθαίνουν..

Συγκινήθηκα πολύ..,με άγγιξε και μου θύμισε πολλά..και ειδικά το αγορι μου που είναι πάνω εδώ και τέσσερις μήνες..

George K

Well-Known Member
12 Νοεμβρίου 2007
Δεν έχω προλάβει να το μεταφράσω. Ίσως δεν πρέπει. Νομίζω ότι είναι από τα πιο ευαίσθητα αντίο.

The Pond ( Johan Sioen) 29-11-2006

An “In Memoriam” is supposed to be solemn and sad. I cannot do that, not for him. He wasn’t like that. Far from it, rather a mirror image: a “Bonvivant” first class, bigger than life, Aristocrat and Burgundian all in one.

Crazy is sleeping next to me, on the couch. Or she is pretending to. Her eyes closed, she’s watching me. Sensually slow she will stretch herself to accompany me for a walk, even before I will have considered standing up. Her eyes are big, round and curious.

Her grandfathers’ eyes. Her grandfather who died yesterday.

That’s what grandfathers do, they die, eventually. Even the greatest.

Guus and Eef – his breeders, his family – decided the time was right to deliver Django,

- Champion Franklin-Django van de Matenhof -, from his pain.

On a much too warm autumn evening, November 28th 2006.

An aggressive tumour on his stomach would have destroyed him within days.

The decision was courageous, the gesture merciful. Django would have appreciated it.

A Boxer that kept the honour to himself, always: proud, self-confident. For more than ten full years.

Do not expect words of sadness. Not for a life that full, that intense as Django’s was.

As a youngster, Eef and Guus had presented him on several Dutch expositions. The outcome varied.

On one of these occasions – the result wasn’t terrific – Ingmar had spotted him and he was delighted when, months later, a call came: Guus had, reluctantly, decided it would be a smart move to let Django stay with us for a training session leading up to his IPO working certificate.Ingmar was to train him.

I recall the moment he arrived. A tall, square, brindle male. Shiny coat with a touch of gold.

Old-Dutch, round and strong bone. Beautiful cat feet. Excellent angulations, correct shoulder, superb chest, high with

an impeccable top line. But this was not just another Top dog.

This boxer, three years young, on the verge of adulthood entered our kennel, a strange kennel to him, with this

unlikely elegant self-confidence of his, with a proud, investigating eagerness and with big, round dark brown eyes

glooming with anticipation.

I knew instantly I would never forget those eyes, that entrance.

He was King without ever have been Prince. And he knew it. The innocence of the really great.

It was utterly impossible not to get attached to him. In the morning Ingmar and Django went biking along the IJzer while in the evening they used to disappear for hours, walking the beaches between Middelkerke and the French border.

They succeeded in passing the IPO trial in a record breaking eleven weeks and that was the jumpstart for a journey

through Europe that would last nearly two years.

Few judges could resist his presence in the ring, still less the expression of sheer pleasure in his eyes.

And yes... they made some enemies along the way. But that never bothered Django – maybe Ingmar –: he enjoyed

his travelling life along the old and the new capitals.

The showring only took a moment: outside there was a whole world to be enjoyed.

A Swiss mountain creek, a dive in the Mediterranean Sea, rabbits on a freshly mowed Polish

corn field, a sleepy balcony in an antique Czech hotel.

At the end one of the walls in Eef and Guus’ place was covered with frames: Jahressieger in both Poland and Czechia,

German, Belgian and International Champion, and in between shows: the German ZTP and UV.

Django was four years young when, in Portugal under a German judge, he succeeded in winning the title of ATIBOXSIEGER 2000.

The Grand National of the Boxer world.

No Fado at the time, some Vintage Port... well yes! although Django liked his drinks still sweeter.

Six years later, in the very same astonishing country a fawn grandson of Django would gain that title once again.

Some way to reach the status of grandfather.

Guus and Eef moved from Berkel en Rodenrijs to Sellingerbeetse and so did Django and his pack.

He came to a roguish kind of rest in the newly conquered countryside in the northeast of Holland.

But he didn’t mind the regular visits of boxer ladies. For Europe had discovered his charms – and so had the Dutch breeders.

I checked and gave up: it’s hopeless to start an enumeration.

There is, on European soil, hardly a title – and these days they seem to multiply overnight - that hasn’t been won

by one or more of his children, grandchildren or grand grandchildren.

From Oslo to Athens and from Moscow to Faro: his name keeps popping up in pedigrees.

More importantly: today, in any given showring one is able to spot his descendants right on – without catalogue.

The expression in their heads, the type gives them away. Always.

Django has become what the French like to call “un Raçeur”, a real marker of the breed.

Very few have that potential. From the males in his generation, on the continent, I need less than the fingers of one hand.

But he, the Tyl Uylenspiegel from Sellingerbeetse, couldn’t care less.

A trophy, however big, is hard to play with and children, grandchildren how admired they may be...

well, they don’t visit very often, do they?

But re-adjusting the big motorbike with Eef, inspecting the ever amazing edges of the forest with Guus and

playing with the youngsters in the garden: that’s live!

And if my old friend and trainer Ingmar comes to visit me and my pack and I manage to seduce him into our old show act – me and him against the world – well, how much better can it get?

Then it’s time for me to get a nap on the terrace or to stroll to the bank of the pond and muse.

Watching the ripple on the water. As it comes, as it goes. Again and again.

Till – I know – with a profound satisfied sigh, I will fall asleep.

Crazy is awake by now, and very much so. She looks me in the eyes, impatiently. I look back and I see him.

Django can rest in peace on the bank of his beloved pond.

How could I mourn the soft death of a friend who has never left our house, our harts, and never will?

Gratitude is what I feel towards Eef and Guus who have allowed Django to become a part of us, and maybe:

us to become a small part of Django.

A fuller and more fruitful Boxer live than that of Django… I cannot imagine.

Although …although I should be careful in making that kind of statement, for he might see things quite differently….

And stubborn, trust me, stubborn: that he was too !

And now I’m taking his granddaughter for a walk for she hasn’t stolen her name either.

Apples and threes: a long story.

Johan Sioen

& Ingmar Sioen & Mariette Poppe


Well-Known Member
28 Ιουλίου 2007
Εγω ειμαι πραγματικα ερωτευμενη με το παρακατω κειμενο αλλα πιστευω οτι αν μεταφραστει θα χασει την αξια του..Δεν ειναι τιποτα τρομερο αλλα ειναι πολυ αληθινο..Απο αγνωστο συγγραφεα.


I am your dog,and I have a little something I'd like to whisper in your ear.
I know that you humans lead busy lifes.SOme have to work,some have children to raise.It always seems like you are running here and running there,often much too fast,often never noticing the truly grand things in this life

Look down at me now,while you sit there at your computer.See the way my dark brown eyes look at yours?They are slightly cloudy now.That comes with age.The gray hairs are beginning to ring my soft muzzle.
You smile at me;I see love in your eyes.
What do you see in mine?

Do you see a spirit? A soul inside,who loves you as no other could in the world? A spirit that would forgive all trespasses of prior wrong doing for just a simple moment of your time? That is all I ask.To slow down,if even for a few minutes,to be with me

So many times you have been saddened by the words you read on that screen,of others of my kind,passing.Sometimes we die young and oh so quickly,sometimes so suddenly it wrenches your heart out of your throat.
Sometimes we age so slowly before your eyes that you may not even seem to know until the very end,when we look at you with grizzled muzzles and cataract clouded eyes.Still the love is always there,even when we must take that long sleep,to run free in a distant land.

I may not be here tomorrow;I may not be here next week.Someday you will shed the water from your eyes ,that humans have when deep grief fills their souls,and you eill be angry at yourself that you did not have ''just one more day'' with me.Because I love you so,your sorrow touches my spirit and grieves me.We have NOW ,together.So come,sit down next to me on the floor,and look deep into my eyes.What do you see?

If you look hard and deep enough we will talk,you and I ,heart to heart.
Come to me not as ''alpha'' or as ''trainer'' or even ''Mom or Dad'',come to me as a living soul and stroke my fur and let us look deep into one another's eyes and talk.I may tell you something about the fun of chasing a tennis ball,or I may tell you something profound about myself,or even life in general.You decided to have me in your life because you wanted a soul to share such things with.Someone very different from you,and here I am.

I am a dog ,but I am alive.I feel emotin,I feel physical senses and I can revel the differences of our spirits and souls.I do not think of you as a ''Dog In two Feet''--I know what you are and who you are.You are human,in all your qurkiness,and I love you still. Now,come sit with me,on the floor.Enter my world,and let time slow down if only for 15 minutes.

Look deep into my eyes,and whisper into my ears.Speak with your heart,with your joy,and I will know your true self.We may not have tomorrow,but we do have today,and life is oh so very short.
So please--come sit with me now and let us share these precious moments we have together.

Love,on behalf of canines everywhere,
Your Dog