Είναι απλώς ο Skidboot, ένας σκύλος-performer, που έγινε διάσημος ως ο "εξυπνότερος σκύλος του κόσμου". Στις ΗΠΑ είναι πασίγνωστος. Έζησε σε ένα ράντσο και έδινε παραστάσεις συνεχώς. Εμφανίστηκε στα δημοφιλέστερα αμερικανικά shows (π.χ Όπρα) και, δυστυχώς έγινε και αντικείμενο εμπορικής εκμετάλλευσης μετά το θάνατό του με μπλουζάκια κ.ά. Οι εμφανίσεις του έχουν κυκλοφορήσει σε DVD κ.ο.κ.
Προσωπικά η ιστορία του με συγκινεί, γιατί είμαι ευσυγκίνητη και γιατί τον θεωρώ έναν πραγματικά υπέροχο σκύλο.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2BfzUIBy9A&feature=fvst"]YouTube- The Amazing Skidboot[/ame]
A Texas original crosses the Rainbow Bridge
By David Hartwig
On March 25, 2007, Skidboot, the Christmas present in 1992 to Barbara Hartwig from her husband, David Hartwig, departed this life for the vast beyond. Skidboot was predeceased by his mother, Blue Belle, a Blue Heeler. Skidboot never had any offspring.
Skidboot became a national treasure when he won the Pet Star competition on Animal Planet in 2003. Many people came to see him at the State Fair of Texas for over five years and at many performances he and his human partner gave at various venues over 14 years of his life. He had many fans who wrote him and enjoyed his shows. He paw printed many pictures for people who came to see him and shook their hands in friendship. Jay Leno stated he was the smartest dog he had ever seen. Oprah was amazed at his acumen when he was on her show (two times). Other TV hosts were David Letterman, Crook and Chase, Inside Edition, Fox 4 News, Good Morning Texas, Soup, Texas Country Reporter, educational film about Thomas Edison, and numerous others. He published his own DVD entitled “Skidboot Making Friends,” a children’s story. His human partner, David Hartwig, and Ron Westmoreland wrote a book about his early adventures.
There was a brief private burial ceremony on the ranch where he lived his whole life attended by David, Barbara, Oliver, Bois d’Arc, Little Skidboot, Tie-Down, and Marshmallow. There is a limestone marker at the grave which is surrounded by a simple fence. He was buried with a favorite toy. Skidboot will be missed by many people.
As a memorial, David and Barbara ask that donations to local animal shelters be made in Skidboot's name.