
Well-Known Member
6 Μαρτίου 2008
Αρθρο του κυριου Otto Schimpf μιας εμβληματικης φιγουρας για το ευρωπαικο ντογκο......
ci (Federacion Cynologique Internationale) groups around 360 races of dogs in 10 groups. 4 of them Barcan and stay in hunting races. The Argentine Bulldog is not in any of them, but in group 2, classified in the sub-group “Molosoide”. ” Molosoid” is an originating concept of the antiquity associating the massive, heavy meaning of “, great head, etc.” the Argentine Bulldog does not need these attributes.
When the Argentine Bulldog obtained, in 1974 by the managements of Agustin Nores Martinez, his recognition by the ICF, it was located in - then - Group 5. This Group groups mainly to the named Scandinavian Races (like the Siberian Husky, Alaskan Malamud, etc.), as also some special dogs of hunting, in forward edge to Dogs of Pack, for Greater Caza, like for example the Rhodesian Ridgeback, an auxiliary dog in the hunting of the lion in Africa.​
This posisionamiento of the Argentine Bulldog in one of the Fighter groups, corresponds since saying is had, one of the fundamental intentions of the creators of the race (Dres. Antonio and Agustin Norez Martinez), which never left a doubt, that the Argentine Bulldog are a hunting dog, mainly of pack, integrated to all the variants within the same.
In 1985 the ICF I partially modify the classification within its Groups, and of blow the Argentine Bulldog transfer to Group 2. If this were realised by a marked desire or with agreement of the FCA,
- that like the corresponding organization of country, - deberia to be consulted, already nowadays cannot be gotten to delucidar. With few words, the Argentine Bulldog I change myself to a Moloso and one is in company, in which in all aspects is not visible any usable race for the hunting.
For some criadores and exhibitors of the Argentine Bulldog, I am probably - in obtuse form - this right relocation. They looked for of this form the inclination before I publish mainly included by kindness towards the races of considered dogs of company.
In Europe they quickly acquired dogs with the attribute corresponding to the one of of Molosos a bad reputation. I classify them like dangerous and uncluso like fight dogs. The consequences were ready officials of prohibition of possession and rearing of the same or enormous specific taxes. But mainly rejection by means and in the great population.
The mentioned ones and without cultores comparable doubts of the Rhodesian Ridgeback were but astute. They asked for without no doubts, given the circumstances of a relocation of certain races within the Groups of the ICF, to return again to a Fighter group. Feeling since then gladly safe in Group 6.
In Europe in that age the relation between the populations of Argentine Bulldog - Rodhesian Ridgeback, was approximately in 1:1 (referred to the denunciations of lechigadas and the inscriptions in all the exhibitions, not unique of the great institutions.)
Nowadays the Rhodesian Ridgeback has surpassed numerically widely to the Argentine Bulldog. One stayed to the Rhodesian Ridgeback, in the dog that always was. As defined hunting dog, is outside all prohibitive definition within the denominated “Dangerous Dogs”. Within the exhibitions the judges do not estan inclined to consider it like a necessarily heavy dog, because she is a work dog.
According to my considerations any objective reason does not exist to maintain to the Argentine Bulldog in Group 2. Its future can unique be assured in the Group of dogs of hunting 6, since: -​
1. - of this correspondera form with justice to its origin and history, and the corresponding one​
desire of its creator.
2. - of this form mantendra assured the type and its functionality (Tendencies to excess of size,​
it abridges and weight, does not condicen with the hunting dog).
3. - encuandrado being as hunting dog eliminates of the prohibited listings fight dogs.​
4. - this way it is documented his remote versatility and of all class of histories​
Nadies must fear, that to the Argentine Bulldog is placed it grouped in the border of the hunting dogs. No Argentine Bulldog needs to hunt actively, but it can it and it must officially be able to do it, when it has the alternative. I consider, who around 1% of all the Rhodesian Ridgeback am occupied in the hunting. A maximum of 5% of all the Setter or Retriever hunts, or for example only 10% of all the Pointer are into the hands of hunters.​
But it must be taken like fundamental and conclusive fact: - that in the company of the then dogs of Group 2, is not any race of hunting.
Of the Author. Otto Schimpf is Judge the International of Structure of the ICF - Groups 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6; and she was first Judge Especialista of the Argentine Bulldog (1979) in Europe.
πηγη AEDA


Well-Known Member
9 Ιουνίου 2008
Κάτσε γιατί υπάρχει ακόμα και το εμπόδιο της επιτροπής προτύπων της FCI.

Μένει να δούμε πόση δύναμη έχουν οι Αργεντινοί στην Ομοσπονδία.

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