Ιαπωνικα ονοματα για το νεο κουταβι σας Ακιτα και τι σημαινουν.
Akita Names on Τετάρτη, 27 Οκτωβρίου 2010 στις 3:43 μ.μ.
Aoi = μπλε hachi = οκτω nakama= σύντροφος
Ikusha = πολεμος hana = λουλούδι natsu = καλοκαίρι
Akai = κοκκινο haru = ανοιξη noroi = κατάρα
Kioku = ανάμνηση hashi = ξυλο okashira = αρχηγός
Musume = κόρη hato = περιστερι saru = μαιμου
Musuko = υιος hi = φωτια sato = χωριό
Tachi = παρεα higashi = ανατολη sensei = δασκαλος
Tamashii = ψυχη hima = ελευθερος shima = νησί
Taiyou = ηλιος hime = πριγκίπισσα shishi = λιοντάρι
Taka = γερακι himitsu = μυστικό shiro = λευκό
Tatsumaki = τυφωνας hito = ανθρωπος sora = ουρανός
Tengu = διαβολάκι hokori = υπερηφάνεια suzume = σπουργίτι
Tenshi = άγγελος honoo = φλόγα suki = συμπάθεια
Tora = τίγρης hoshi = αστέρι tantei = ντέντεκτιβ
Tsuki = φεγγάρι hontu = αληθεια yama = βουνό
Tabi = ταξίδι ichigo = φράουλα yoru = νύχτα
Ai = αγάπη inu = σκύλος yuki = χιόνι
Akatsuki = αυγή kai = θάλασσα yuri = κρίνος
Aki= φθινόπωρο kami = θεος
Akuma = διάβολος kiku = χρυσάνθεμο
Ame = βροχή koro = καρδια
Arigatu = ευχαριστώ kishi = ιππότης
Biyou = ομορφιά kuma = αρκούδα
Dansei = αντρας kumo = σύννεφο
Fujin = γυναίκα, θυληκό megami = θεά
Fuyu= χειμώνας nagarebushi = αστέρι που πέφτει
Aki...Born in Autumn; starts this list of Japanese dog names.
Aiko...Little love--beloved.
Akina...Spring flower.
Akita...Autumn rice field.
Aneko...Older sister. A top dog name.
Anto...Safe island.
Asuka...Flying bird.
Bizen...A Japanese lute.
Chiba...Thousand leaves.
Chiyo...Eternal--for 1000 years.
Cho...Butterfly. Superb dog name.
Choco...Chocolate. The number 1 Japanese dog name.
Ehime...Love princess.
Eriko...Child with a collar.
Fuji...Wisteria. Beautiful white flowers.
Fuku...Wealthy--good fortune.
Hana...A flower; blossom.
Hara...A field or plain.
Haruko...A child of Spring.
Hira...Flat; smooth.
Hoshi...A star. And a Unique dog name.
Hoshiko...Star child.
Iwa...Rock. Solid and strong.
Kaede...Maple leaf. Top dog name for a Canadian dog.
Kameko...Child of the tortoise. Symbolises long life.
Kami...At the top. A god.
Kawa...River. A source of energy.
Keiko...Adored one. Beautiful dog name.
Kimi...She who is without equal.
Kioko...Happy child.
Kohana...Little flower.
Kuri...Chestnut. And we're half way through this list of Japanese dog names.
Kuro...Black. A top dog name for any black dog.
Machiko...Fortunate child.
Maeko...Honest child.
Miki...Flower stalk. Strength supporting beauty.
Miya...Shinto shrine.
Momo...Peach. Like velvet.
Mori...Forest. For a hunting dog.
Moto...The base or origin.
Nariko...Gentle child.
Natsuko...Child of the summer.
Nikki...Means two trees.
Nikko...Sun shining.
Nyoko...A gem. And a top Japanese dog name.
Ogi...Small tree.
Osaka...Dragon god.
Sachi...Child of bliss.
Sakura...Cherry. Could be yellow, red or black.
Sapporo...Inland sea.
Satu...Sugar. A very sweet dog name.
Shari...A clear waterfall.
Shima...An island.
Suzu...Bell and long lived.
Taka...High; honourable. For a lofty dog.
Takara...A treasure--precious thing.
Take...Bamboo--tall and strong.
Toyo...Plentiful--an abundance--of love perhaps?
Wakayama...Young cherry tree.
Yoshi...Good luck--and joy.
Yukiko...Snow child.
Zen...Good--a virtue ends this list of Japanese dog names.
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