Παραθέτω ένα κείμενο της Brigite Nilsen(Perro Pelea Cordobes). Όσοι ασχολείστε με dogo θα την ξέρετε...
Sorry για τα αγγλικά. Ας με βοηθήσει κάποιος με την μετάφραση
"This whole situations is very rotten.
The sentastion newspapers started to show every little accident with ONLY bully breeds, dog attack dog bites, even without major damages, got put on the frontpage of the newspapers, made a big hystria here, people think these dogs are KILLERS, it got worse and worse.
The bully breeds attacks only dogs and they "forgot" about all the german sheppard attacks and rottie attacks on humans in same period.
Even the Danish kennel club posted all the accidents on their webpage, but "forgot" some of the other accidents with other breeds..
It was rotten to the bone.
The first time I shook hands with the chairman of the Danish Kennel Club was at the meeting where the wanted us to make the mental profil for the Dogo, since a rule of mental test came. When I presented myself to him as the representative of the Dogo he said these words" Well, the dogo..a breed we can do witout".
Here it became very clear to me that even the DOGCLUBS did not support these breeds. As sick as it can be and I wondered.
The chairman was just home from the Worldshow in Argentina where the bomb was thrown in the ring and he said that the owners of this breed were dangerous and crazy and the dogs too. He made his opinion of the dogo RIGHT there. I told him that there is a HUGE different of how we keep the dogo here and in Argentina, we never would show a dogo agressive in the ring, it is NOT accepted here at shows and he know our dogs, but he made his opinion based on what he saw down there. He was out of reach and his opinion was spread out.
Last year we showed some dogs for him and he had to admit that our dogs were really social and well behaving dogs - but he said that we do extraordinary work withh our dogs and they are just a small number of the breed...his negative opinion of the breed was still there..
We fighted all the years here, mentallytested all our dogs, ALL passed, most surely to the clubs regret, EVEN WITH MUCH BETTER RESULTS than ANY other breed here. And the real dog people noticed this and complimented the dogs temperament, as they said they had never seen more stabile and humanloving dogs, who had the situation always under control.
2 years ago the media focused again, and it was every weekend there was something, never the dogo, never the boerboel, never the kangal, never the tornjak, never the turkish herding dogs. Only dogs without papers, and they named them ambulls and amstaffs...
but they could not be proven pure breeds..
Small things got BLOWN totally up in the medias, few really serious things, like a dog killed dog, BUT NEVER A serios bite on HUMANS from the bullybreeds, NEVER!
The dogo is not on any frontpage, or accidentlist.
I have seen all the behind documentation for the breed ban..the persons who named the 13 breeds even admit not to have enough breed experience to categorize them! But the politicians take it and use it!
This law is based on NOTHING else than hysteria and populism from the politicians. The decided already 2 years ago, under our former justiceminister, he was walking UP HILL on votings and when the newspapers ran this witch hunt every weekend he saw a chance to make some popularity and promised a breedban on these killerdogs...
A dog panel to guide politicians were created and they were asked to come up with suggestions about the "problem". A problem who did not excist, there is not more accidents with dogs here now than 10 years ago. Even less serious accidents with dogs and kids.
They came up with good solutions about dogs in leash in cities etc...
Then suddenly they were forced to make a list of dogs to ban..
Same happend in Holland, when the dutch kennel club was asked to name breeds, they backed out and said to the dutch politicans that they had to ask biologists and genetics. Since they always say that you can not determine agression out from breeds.
BUT the danish dog panel was STUPID ENOUGH to help them out, they should have said NO and stepped out. 6 out of 9 were against a ban, but were involved making the list...THAT made the politicans able to say that the dog panel find it okay to ban breeds ( even if they wrote in the report that they did not support the ban ) BUT they find these breeds more difficult to have as others( VERY VERY WRONG MOVE of the panel)
In the panel were 2 from the danish kennelclub, vets, justicepoliticians, police. In total 9.
After this list came out, a hell of a fight started - several people, included me was talking in the parlament the 22. of april and 26 of april, vet organisation, dog organisations. They listend, but we could see that they have already decided, they were dictated to get this ban through.
The goverment parties voted it through 58 for the ban, 4 against, 48 did not vote.(they supported some of the law, but not the ban).
It was a fight uneven already from the beginning.
I am ashamed to be danish today!! The danish politicians are ROTTEN as hell, and not just politicans..unfortunately, I hope FCI will look into this. And EU too."