Hello from New Member


New Member
16 Οκτωβρίου 2010
Hello to all.
I am thinking of adopting a dog that needs a home. I live in an apartment so definately a small dog is required rather than a larger one.
I am not set on any particular breed. Is there somewhere I could go to and pick one.
The dog should be free of cost as I will be taking on the commitment for it and therefore do not want to buy the dog. I would rather spend the money on its well being and upkeep. some poor dog out there should need a caring home.


New Member
16 Οκτωβρίου 2010
thanks for reply.

Hello to all.
I am thinking of adopting a dog that needs a home. I live in an apartment so definately a small dog is required rather than a larger one.
I am not set on any particular breed. Is there somewhere I could go to and pick one.
The dog should be free of cost as I will be taking on the commitment for it and therefore do not want to buy the dog. I would rather spend the money on its well being and upkeep. some poor dog out there should need a caring home.
I am Greek. I live in Athens. I dont mind to adopt. Is there somewhere that has a selection of dogs for adoption? are they free? thanks


Well-Known Member
2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008
ξερω κ αλλα παιδια που το κανουν αυτο.απλα μεγαλωσαν εξω κ ξερουν μονο να μιλανε καπως τα ελληνικα.να γραφουν ουτε συζητηση.δεν πηγαν σε ελληνικο σχολειο,οπωτε...


New Member
16 Οκτωβρίου 2010
Reply to those more interested in my Greekness than my interest in dogs

Hi all,
Can I clear this up and then please ask people to keep focused on the point of my post and not on my Greekness.
I am Greek, actually from Cyprus heritage, and I was born in London where I lived for 50 years. Obviously being born to Greek parents I speak Greek very well, but having lived in British society for so long, I do not write it and my reading is very poor.
This is not a crime or a point for redicule. It is just a fact.
I am sorry that so many of you seem to find this funny, strange, or some excuse to comment on.
All I want is to investigate the possibility of adopting a dog, stray or otherwise, in order to give such an animal a loving keeper rather than a fate worse than death.
So, can I ask that you drop the Greekness comments and focus on helping me with your replies?
Thank you to the one person who did post a useful reply and I will be looking into this now.
Thank you.


Well-Known Member
17 Ιουλίου 2009
Belgrade, RS

Since you are on a Greek lforum, you should at least know to read Greek. Thus, if you had searched this forum a bit, you would have found this


Just for the record, I was born and live outside of Greece and am making an effort to learn to write and read Greek, perhaps you should try it too, since the rules of the forum are clear

- Η γλώσσα που μιλούμε είναι η Ελληνική.Γι'αυτό και δεν επιτρέπετε η χρήση άλλης γλώσσας ή των greeklish.Είναι κουραστικό και επιπλέον δυσκολεύουν στην λειτουργία της αναζήτησης.

Εάν δυσκολεύεστε με την ορθογραφία,πιστέψτε με,εδώ δεν είναι ορθογραφικός διαγωνισμός και δεν ενδιαφέρει κανέναν,ούτε δε είναι μεμπτό (υπάρχει και ο ορθογραφικός έλεγχος του word για όσους έχουν μεγάλο πρόβλημα).
Good luck in your search!


Well-Known Member
1 Νοεμβρίου 2008
Αθήνα, κεντρο.
Actually the regulations of this forum don't allow the use of languages other than Greek. If you are serious about looking for a dog to adopt, you can visit the "Dogs for adoption" section of this site. There are also several animal shelters that you can contact, such as Stray, Fazoo, KAZ, SAPT Hellas and others.This thread will be locked if more off topic messages or messages in English appear. If you want to stay with us, you can make an effort to write in Greek, as other non-Greek members have been doing.

Edit: Berna, γράφαμε ταυτόχρονα!!! :)
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Well-Known Member
27 Νοεμβρίου 2006
κ μια εξαιρεση ρε παιδια που κ που δεν κανει κακο....ειναι απλο να τον βοηθησουν οσοι ξερουν....
Συμφωνώ, ας μην κολλάμε τώρα - ο άνθρωπος θέλει να υιοθετήσει αδέσποτο, ας επικεντρωθούμε σε αυτό...


Well-Known Member
1 Νοεμβρίου 2008
Αθήνα, κεντρο.
Tι άλλο να κάνουμε βρε παιδιά? Πως αλλιώς προτείνετε να βοηθήσουμε??

Αυτο που όντως θα είχε νόημα να κάνουμε, και μάλλον θα το προτείνω με αφορμή αυτό το γεγονός, είναι στις αγγελίες να ανοίξουμε μια ενότητα στα αγγλικά, προς ενημέρωση αντίστοιχων περιπτώσεων. Είναι πολλοί απο το εξωτερικό που είναι διατεθημένοι να υιοθετήσουν ελληνικά αδέσποτα.

Θα μπορούσαμε να φτιάξουμε μια σελίδα με πληροφορίες στα αγγλικά και ίσως και μια δυο άλλες γλώσσες και να παραθέσουμε και τα τηλέφωνα/email κάποιων σωματείων που κατέχουν τις αντίστοιχες γλώσσες, και μπορούν να προτείνουν σκυλιά ανάλογα με τις απαιτήσεις και τις δυνατότητες του ενδιαφερόμενου. Κατα τη γνώμη μου όταν πρόκειται για υιοθεσίες στο εξωτερικό, θα πρεπει να γίνονται μεσω οργανωμένων Σωματείων που αποδεδειγμένα τσεκάρουν το σπίτι με ανθρώπους εμπιστοσύνης και παρακολουθούν την πορεία του μετά (φυσικά και στις εγχώριες το ίδιο ισχύει, αλλά ποσο μάλλον όταν το σκυλί θα βρεθεί ποιος ξέρει που, κι αντε να το ξαναπάρεις πίσω αν χρειαστεί). Οχι απο μεμονωμένους ιδιώτες που δεν έχουν ιδιαίτερη εμπειρία.

Θέλει κανείς να γράψει το κείμενο και να βρει τα στοιχεία των σωματείων που μιλάνε ξένες γλώσσες?


Well-Known Member
2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008
κοπριτακο ωραια ιδεα!απλα εγινε πολυ αναφορα προς τους κανονες κτλ...δεν εκανε κ τιποτα ο ανθρωπος...να μας ζητησει κ συγνωμη που δεν ξερει να διαβαζει η να γραφει ελληνικα?αιστανθηκα σαν την προεκταση της ελλαδας που διωχνει τα παιδια της....


Well-Known Member
30 Ιανουαρίου 2009
πάντως σε πολλά ξένα φόρουμ υπάρχουν ενότητες για ξενόγλωσσους οι οποίες δεν έχουν μόνο ενημερωτικό χαρακτήρα. Απεναντίας οι άνθρωποι συμμετέχουν, γράφουν κανονικά και ενημερώνουν.


Well-Known Member
27 Δεκεμβρίου 2008
Illinois, USA
Hi, I don't think people ridicule those who don't speak or write Greek well, especially when they have worked hard enough to learn and maintain their second native language. You are to be commended for having done so yourself. However, there is a regulation here that does not allow communication in languages other than Greek. Nevertheless, you are to be commended for having learned such a difficult language and for wishing to communicate in it. I would also advise you strongly to make an effort to participate in this forum by reading the posts and even attempting to write Greek yourself because it will help you VERY MUCH to improve your Greek which is very good. I'm sure people will cut you some slack about making mistakes, and you'll see that as you continue reading the posts, authomatization will set in (it's a neurolinguistic fact), you will read faster, and eventually without problems. By writing Greek, even with mistakes, initially by taking a longer time to post, and following the discussions, you will observe how Greek is written by people whose only native language is Greek, and you will make less mistakes yourself. In time you will make no mistakes at all. This is how people learn languages, and my late best friend, who was one of the Greek minority in Bulgaria, improved her Greek in this manner when she was in her thirties and forties. :) I am sure people will not mind at all, and I would actually personally urge the members of this forum to allow this new user the occasional slip and use of English. Besides, having lived away from Greece in the last 21 years myself, I often forget the Greek word I want to use and may drop English words, even phrases instead. :)

Welcome to the forum!! :) And congrats for choosing to rescue a shelter dog! I did the same. :)

Kopritis, καταπληκτική η ιδέα σου!! :)
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