( έχει και την εγκύκλιο-που έχει και μερικά λαθάκια ορθογραφικά
αναφέρει και μια Αρχή λέει Ευρωπαική για την ασφάλεια των τροφίμων
LSD is endemic in most African countries. Since 2012, LSD has been spreading on an unusually large 59 scale throughout Middle Eastern countries, including Israel and Turkey, and in the latter it is now 60 considered endemic. The outbreaks that have occurred in Turkey most likely originated by the 61 introduction of LSD from Syria, thus suggesting that political unrest may facilitate the disease 62 spreading. The extensive outbreak investigation conducted in Israel provided useful insights into the 63 epidemiology of LSD. EFSA Journal 2015;13(1):3986
τα ζώα που θανατώθηκαν και είναι χιλιάδες.. το κρέας άραγε τι να έγινε

( έχει και την εγκύκλιο-που έχει και μερικά λαθάκια ορθογραφικά
αναφέρει και μια Αρχή λέει Ευρωπαική για την ασφάλεια των τροφίμων
LSD is endemic in most African countries. Since 2012, LSD has been spreading on an unusually large 59 scale throughout Middle Eastern countries, including Israel and Turkey, and in the latter it is now 60 considered endemic. The outbreaks that have occurred in Turkey most likely originated by the 61 introduction of LSD from Syria, thus suggesting that political unrest may facilitate the disease 62 spreading. The extensive outbreak investigation conducted in Israel provided useful insights into the 63 epidemiology of LSD. EFSA Journal 2015;13(1):3986
τα ζώα που θανατώθηκαν και είναι χιλιάδες.. το κρέας άραγε τι να έγινε
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