Διάβαζα της απαντήσεις της Victoria Stilwell στο φόρουμ της
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Αυτό είναι σε αντίθεση με όσα ήξερα ως τώρα, η γνώμη σας;As far as the human being the pack leader, I think that's nonsense. Dogs' brains aren't as complex as ours, but they're certainly advanced enough to recognize that we are not canines and are a completely different species, and thus cannot be a part of their pack (much less the 'pack leader'). Even if you temporarily set aside the the fact that the whole idea of pack leaders among dogs is a concept based on what is widely recognized as wildly flawed and outdated research, the premise breaks down further when you try to assume that a dog sees you as another dog. Obviously we need to be in a leadership position when it comes to our dogs, and the fact that such leadership is so often lacking is a large reason why the dog training profession is thriving. Being a leader is all about being a teacher as well. We're not pack leaders, and we shouldn't try to pretend we are. Just give your dog boundaries and positive guidance, and your role as the source of all good things to him will be cemented.