Γνώμες για την Orijen


Well-Known Member
27 Δεκεμβρίου 2008
Illinois, USA
Σας ακούω συνέχεια να την αναφέρετε αλλά δεν την πολυβλέπω εδώ. Κοίταξα λοιπόν τα συστατικά της και φαίνεται πολύ καλή τροφή που μάλιστα εισάγεται τελικά στην Αμερική από τον Καναδά. Έχω πει και παλιά ότι η κτηνίατρός μου με συμβούλεψε να προτιμάω τις τροφές από τέσσερεις μεγάλες μάρκες, αφού οι σκυλοτροφές δεν ελέγχονται από το κράτος και οι μεγάλες εταιρείες κάνουν κάποιους ελέγχους λόγω ιατρικής έρευνας και πειραμάτων σε ζώα. Έχω την εντύπωση όμως ότι οι ευρωπαϊκές τροφές ελέγχονται και ο Καναδάς συνήθως ακολουθεί αυτά που κάνει η Ευρώπη. Επίσης πάντοτε φοβάμαι ότι πολλές τροφές κατασκευάζονται στην Κίνα όπου έχουν γίνει ουκ ολίγες ιστορίες και δεν έχω ιδέα πού παράγεται η Pro Plan που δίνω στο Μουφ. Αντίθετα η Orijen, τουλάχιστον στον Καναδά, λέει ότι την τροφή τη φτιάχνει η ίδια και μάλιστα με δικά της συστατικά χωρίς να τα φέρνει από αλλού (no outsourcing).

Επίσης απ' ό,τι βλέπω, δεν έχει κάνει recalls παρά μόνο στην Αυστραλία πρόσφατα για μια τροφή για γάτες διότι κατά λάθος προσθέσανε μεγαλύτερα κομμάτια κόκκαλα στη φόρμουλα του σολωμού, άρα δεν ήταν δηλητηριασμένη. Η Orijen κάνει μάλλον τα διπλά λεφτά από την Pro Plan, αλλά για το Μουφ τα δίνω. Πιστεύω ότι μπορώ να τη βρω στα μαγαζιά εδώ και αν όχι, μπορώ να την πάρω από την Amazon με τσάμπα μεταφορικά και χωρίς ΦΠΑ.

Εσείς τι εμπειρία έχετε από την Orijen? Σημειωτέον ότι η Pro Plan που παίρνω είναι η αμερικάνικη που είναι διαφορετική από αυτή που στέλνεται στην Ευρώπη. Γνώμες?

Τα συστατικά της Orijen είναι τα εξής:

Deboned chicken, chicken meal, turkey meal, russet potato, lake whitefish, chicken fat, sweet potato, whole eggs, turkey, salmon meal, salmon and anchovy oils, salmon, natural chicken flavour, sunflower oil, sun-cured alfalfa, dried brown kelp, carrots, spinach, peas, tomatoes, apples, psyllium, dulse, glucosamine Hcl, cranberries, black currants, rosemary extract, chondroitin sulfate, sea salt.

Chicory root, licorice roo
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Well-Known Member
27 Δεκεμβρίου 2008
Illinois, USA
Οι τροφές με υψηλή πρωτεΐνη κάνουν κακό στους σκύλους? Εδώ είναι της μόδας για τους ανθρώπους, αλλά η ίδια η εταιρεία λέει ότι οι σκύλοι είναι διαφορετικοί. Θα ρωτήσω πάντως και την κτηνίατρο του Μουφ πριν πάρω την απόφαση.


Well-Known Member
12 Φεβρουαρίου 2011
Εγώ επειδή σαν ανθρωπος πειραματίζομαι συχνά με διάφορα πράγματα το ίδιο έκανα και στην Λούση όταν την πήρα. Ξεκίνησα με προπλαν, και κάποια στιγμή θέλησα να δοκιμάσω και την orijen. Αποτυχία το πείραμα..Διάροιες και διπλασιασμός όγκου. Δεδομένου ότι η Λούση είναι ένας σκύλος με μέτρια δραστηριότητα την ημέρα (1-1.5 ώρα ) δεν νομίζω ότι η orijen ήταν για αυτήν. Έτσι την άλλαξα .
Γενικά όμως μετά από διάφορα πειράματα στην τροφή των σκύλων μου κατέληξα ότι αυτό που τελικά τους ταιριάζει δεν πρέπει να το αλλάζουμε ακόμη και αν μία τροφή δείχνει απείρως καλύτερη από αυτή που δίνουμε.
Δεν ξέρω σε τι επίπεδο δραστηριότητας έχεις το Μουφ, γιατί η orijen πιστεύω πως είναι για σκύλους που αθλούνται πολύ.


Well-Known Member
17 Ιουλίου 2009
Belgrade, RS
Οι τροφές με υψηλή πρωτεΐνη κάνουν κακό στους σκύλους? Εδώ είναι της μόδας για τους ανθρώπους, αλλά η ίδια η εταιρεία λέει ότι οι σκύλοι είναι διαφορετικοί. Θα ρωτήσω πάντως και την κτηνίατρο του Μουφ πριν πάρω την απόφαση.
Δεν έχω βρει κάποια επιστημονική έρευνα που να αποδεικνίει πως 100% (δεν) δημιουργεί πρόβλημα, αν θες διάβασε και εδώ μια συζήτηση που είχαμε σ'αυτό το θέμα



Well-Known Member
6 Φεβρουαρίου 2011
Μαραθώνας-Κάτω Σούλι
Την αποψη μου για τις τροφες με υψηλη ποσοτητα πρωτεϊνης την εχω αναφερει και αλλου και δεν ειναι καλη. Υποτιθεται οτι οι senior τροφες εχουν χαμηλη ποσοτητα πρωτεϊνης, γυρω στο 20%. Η orijen senior λοιπον εχει 40%. Με ποια λογικη; Το ζωο απο καποια ηλικια και μετα δεν εχει την ιδια δραστηριοτητα με ενα νεαρο οπως και να το κανουμε. Τι θα ταϊσεις με τροφη 40αρα λυκο; Θα με ενδιεφερε παντως να διαβασω μια εξηγηση για την τοσο υψηλη περιεκτικοτητα σε πρωτεϊνη για μια senior τροφη. Τα νεφρα θα πανε για τσαι σε λιγους μηνες. Ετσι νομιζω τουλαχιστον.


Well-Known Member
27 Δεκεμβρίου 2008
Illinois, USA
Αντιγράφω τις Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) της εταιρείας διότι είναι πολύ κακοστημένη η σελίδα της, οπότε θα δεις τι λένε για τις υψηλές πρωτεΐνες και τα νεφρά και οι ίδιοι. Λέει και για τις διαφορές με την Acana:

ETHOXYQUIN: Does ORIJEN contain ethoxyquin?
MELAMINE: Are ORIJEN products affected by the melamine related pet food recalls?
KIBBLE SHAPE AND COLOR: Why are there sometimes variances on the ORIJEN kibble?
BOTANICALS: Why do ORIJEN foods contain botanicals?
IODINE: ORIJEN contains kelp so is ORIJEN high in iodine?
MEAT QUALITY: Are ORIJEN meats human grade?
FRESH VS. RAW INGREDIENTS?What’s the difference?
TAURINE: ORIJEN contains taurine, what is its source?
CHICKEN: Where do your chicken ingredients come from?
EGGS: Where do your eggs come from?
FRESH FISH: Where do ORIJEN fresh fish come from?
FRESH FISH: Do you test fish for heavy metals?
FRESH FISH: Are your fresh fish wild-caught or farmed?
POTATOES are night shade vegetables? Are they healthy?
VITAMIN K3 (MENADIONE): Does ORIJEN contain vitamin K3?
OUTSOURCING: Does Champion outsource the production of ORIJEN Petfoods?
FACTORY: Does Champion Petfoods produce ORIJEN in their own factories?
OUTSOURCING: Many pet foods are made at factories that are not owned or controlled by the brand. What about ORIJEN?
CHAMPION PETFOODS: How long has Champion been making pet foods?
CHAMPION PETFOODS: What makes Champion different from the typical multinational pet food makers?


Well-Known Member
27 Δεκεμβρίου 2008
Illinois, USA
Λέει επίσης και πόσο και τι να ταΐζει κανείς το σκυλί του ανάλογα με το πόσο κινείται:

We recommend that you feed twice daily. Simply divide the amount suggested on the feeding guide into two meals, spaced eight to twelve hours apart. You may need to adjust portions as you learn your dog’s ideal daily “maintenance” amount When transitioning introduce the new food gradually. This is the most successful way to ease your dog into the change in diet. Start by mixing 25% new food with 75% old food. Slowly change the proportions over the next three to five days by gradually increasing the amount of ORIJEN and decreasing the amount of old food. At the end of this transitioning process, you should be feeding 100% of the ORIJEN.

Fresh, clean water is more important to your dog than any other nutrient. About 70 percent of a dog's body is made up of water, which is vital for cell function and tissue lubrication.

We all love to give our dogs treats. However, treats should be given in moderation and should represent five percent or less of the dog’s daily food intake. The rest should come from a nutritionally complete dog food. When using treats frequently, such as during training exercises, try to use the smallest pieces you can.


Daily Ration and Feeding Guide (Metric units/in grams)
1-3kg 3-5kg 5-10kg 10-15kg 15-25kg 25-35kg 6 - 12 90-150g 150-270g 270-360g 360-510g 510-600g ADULT 12 - 16 90-120g 120-240g 240-330g 330-420g 420-520g ADULT 16 - 28 60-120g 120-180g 180-300g 300-390g 390-480g 480-630g 28-52 60-90g 90-150g 150-240g 240-300g 300-390g 390-510g

Daily Ration and Feeding Guide (Imperial units/cups)
2-7 lb 7-11 lb 11-22 lb 22-33 lb 33-50 lb 50-75lb 6 - 12 ¾ - 1¼ 1¼ - 2¼ 2¼ - 3 3 - 4¼ 4¼ - 5 ADULT 12 - 16 ¾ - 1 1 - 2 2 - 2¾ 2¾ - 3½ 3½ - 4½ ADULT 16 - 28 ½ - 1 1 - 1¾ 1¾ - 2½ 2½ - 3¼ 3¼ - 4 4 - 5¼ 28-52 ½ - ¾ ¾ - 1¼ 1¼ - 2 2 - 2½ 2½ - 3¼ 3¼ - 4¼

Daily Ration and Feeding Guide
1½-3 3-9 9-14 14-19 19-24 +24 25 - 30 kg/55-65 lb 1¾ - 2 3 - 3¾ 4 - 4¼ ADULT ADULT ADULT 30 - 40 kg/65-90 lb 2 - 2¼ 3¾ - 4½ 4¼ - 5 ADULT ADULT ADULT 40 - 60 kg/90-130 lb 2¼ - 2½ 4½ - 5½ 5 - 5¾ 4 - 4¾ ADULT ADULT 60 - 80 kg/130-175 lb 2 ½ - 3 5½ - 6 5¾ - 7 4¾ - 5½ 5¼ - 6¾ ADULT 80 - 110 kg/175 - 220lb 3 - 3¼ 6 - 6¼ 7 - 7½ 5½ - 7½ 6¾ - 7 ADULT

Daily Ration and Feeding Guide
(g/cups per day)
(g/cups per day)

1-10 kg/2-22 lb 75-150g / ¾ - 1¼ c 55 - 115 g / ½ - 1 c 10-20 kg/22-45 lb 150-275g / 1¼ - 2¼ c 115 - 200 g / 1 - 1¾ c 20-35 kg/45-75 lb 275-375g / 2¾ - 3¾ c 200 - 275 g / 1¾ - 2½ c 35 - 50 kg/75-110 lb 375 - 500g / 3¾ - 5 c 275 - 400 g / 2½ - 3½ c 50 - 65 kg/110-145 lb 500 - 575 g / 5 - 5¾ c 400 - 525 g / 3½ - 4¾ c 65 - 80 kg/145-175 lb 575 - 675 g / 5¾ - 6¾ c 525 - 690 g / 4¾ - 6 c

Daily Ration and Feeding Guide
(g/cups per day)
(g/cups per day)

1-10 kg/2-22 lb 75-150g / ¾ - 1¼ c 55 - 115 g / ½ - 1 c 10-20 kg/22-45 lb 150-275g / 1¼ - 2¼ c 115 - 200 g / 1 - 1¾ c 20-35 kg /45-75 lb 275-375g / 2¾ - 3¾ c 200 - 275 g / 1¾ - 2½ c 35 - 50 kg/75-110 lb 375 - 500g / 3¾ - 5 c 275 - 400 g / 2½ - 3½ c 50 - 65 kg/110-145 lb 500 - 575 g / 5 - 5¾ c 400 - 525 g / 3½ - 4¾ c 65 - 80 kg/145-175 lb 575 - 675 g / 5¾ - 6¾ c 525 - 690 g / 4¾ - 6 c

Daily Ration and Feeding Guide
(g/cups per day)
(g/cups per day)

1-10 kg/2-22 lb 75-150g / ¾ - 1¼ c 55 - 115 g / ½ - 1 c 10-20 kg/22-45 lb 150-275g / 1¼ - 2¼ c 115 - 200 g / 1 - 1¾ c 20-35 kg/45-75 lb 275-375g / 2¾ - 3¾ c 200 - 275 g / 1¾ - 2½ c 35 - 50 kg/75-110 lb 375 - 500g / 3¾ - 5 c 275 - 400 g / 2½ - 3½ c 50 - 65 kg/110-145 lb 500 - 575 g / 5 - 5¾ c 400 - 525 g / 3½ - 4¾ c 65 - 80 kg/145-175 lb 575 - 675 g / 5¾ - 6¾ c 525 - 690 g / 4¾ - 6 c

Daily Ration and Feeding Guide
(g/cups per day) WEIGHT LOSS
(g/cups per day)
1-10 kg/2-22 lb 60-150g / ½ - 1¼ c 60 - 115 g / ½ - 1 c 10-20 kg/22-45 lb 150-235g / 1¼ - 2 c 115 - 190 g / 1 - 1¾ c 20-35 kg/45-75 lb 235-330g / 2 - 2¾ c 190 - 270 g / 1 ¾ - 2½ c 35 - 50 kg/75-110 lb 330-440g / 2¾ - 3½ c 270 - 350 g / 2½ - 3 c 50 - 65 kg/110-145 lb 440-550g / 3½ - 4½ c 350 - 450 g / 3 - 3 ¾ c 65 - 80 kg/145-175 lb 550-650g / 4½ - 5¼ c 450 - 520 g / 3 ¾ - 4½ c

We recommend all dogs be fed twice daily. Simply divide the amount suggested on the label of your pet’s food into two meals, spaced eight to twelve hours apart. You may need to adjust portions as you learn your dog’s ideal daily “maintenance” amount.

We all love to give our dogs treats. However, treats should be given in moderation and should represent five percent or less of the dog’s daily food intake. The rest should come from a nutritionally complete dog food. When using treats frequently, such as during training exercises, try to use the smallest pieces you can.
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Well-Known Member
27 Δεκεμβρίου 2008
Illinois, USA
Οι απαντήσεις είναι προς το τέλος.

Introduce the new food gradually.
This is the most successful way to ease your dog into the change in diet. Start by mixing 25% new food with 75% old food. Slowly change the proportions over the next three days or so by gradually increasing the amount of new food and decreasing the amount of old food. At the end of this weaning process, you should be feeding 100% of the new food. You may encounter some difficulties, such as your dog choosing to eat only the old food, or not eating at all. Not to worry, a healthy dog can miss meals for a day or two with no ill effects.

Fresh, clean water is more important to your dog than any other nutrient. About 70 percent of a dog's body is made up of water, which is vital for cell function and tissue lubrication. Dogs can live for many days without food, but a lack of water will kill them quickly. When it's hot outside, or if your dog is sick, especially if he is vomiting or has diarrhea, water is even more important. Return to top
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Ideally, ORIJEN should be stored indoors in a re-sealable container constructed of an inert material such as plastic. The ORIJEN package will also work well provided it is tightly rolled up to maintain airtight conditions after opening.

Refrigeration of ORIJEN is not required and a storage temperature of 10 – 20 degrees Celsius is ideal. Prolonged exposure to higher temperatures increases oxidation and reduces shelf life. Exposure to light also contributes to oxidation. A cool dark storage is preferable.

The best before (BB) date is printed on the back of the bag at the top of the ORIJEN package. We mark ORIJEN bags DAY MONTH YEAR.

From the time the food is produced and packaged at our factory, there is 15 months until expiry. Heat, moisture and light have the biggest impact on shelf life. Once opened please keep your ORIJEN airtight in a container or roll the package up and store is a cool dry place with no direct sunlight (see Storing your ORIJEN above).
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This is a question we’re asked a lot, and our position on animal testing is simple - we conduct only those tests we would allow our own companion dogs and cats to participate in. If it’s not OK for our dogs and cats, then it’s not OK for any other cats and dogs. We perform only non-invasive tests, which including palatability (taste), urine pH and digestibility (the latter through stool analysis only). These tests are never performed with dogs or cats kept in a laboratory environment (cages).
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CANNED FOODS: At Champion Petfoods, we sell only what we make, which makes us unique in today’s pet food industry where a great many pet foods are made by factories with no connection to the brand (private labeled).

The ORIJEN philosophy is different. We source our ingredients fresh from our region and make our foods exclusively within our own award-winning factory here in Alberta, Canada. Making canned food is a very different production process, and almost all canned pet foods in North America are made in one of two very large canning companies.

While we could easily follow the industry model and have ORIJEN produced for us cans, we’re just not comfortable with the idea of having any ORIJEN product made outside of our own facilities, and have no plans for ORIJEN in cans.

TREATS: we are currently working on a unique “Biologically Appropriate” treat for dogs which we hope to introduce late in 2009.
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While there are many differences between ACANA and ORIJEN, both diets reflect our belief in “Biologically Appropriateness, and “Fresh Regional Ingredients”.

Five of the main points of difference are summarized below:

  1. MEAT CONCENTRATION: ORIJEN is made with 70-75% meat ingredients while ACANA has between 40 to 65%, depending on the formula.
  2. AMOUNT OF PROTEIN: ORIJEN diets range between 38% and 42% protein, while ACANA features protein levels of 29-34%.
  3. AMOUNT OF CARBOHYDRATE: ORIJEN diets range from 18-22% of carbohydrate, while ACANA diets are typically in the 28-30% carbohydrate range.
  4. AMOUNT OF FRESH MEAT: ORIJEN is made with 28-33% of fresh meats, compared with ACANA which ranges from 9-15% of fresh meats.
  5. VARIETY OF FRESH MEAT: ORIJEN contains a minimum of 5 fresh meats, compared to ACANA which contains 3 different fresh meat ingredients.

Put simply, we believe ORIJEN is the best dry dog or cat food available worldwide. Although lower in protein and total fresh meat content than ORIJEN, ACANA provides unbeatable value and a price point that makes Biologically Appropriate pet foods accessible to a wide range of pet lovers. . Return to top
ETHOXYQUIN: Does ORIJEN contain ethoxyquin?
A: No. ORIJEN fish meats arrive FRESH; which means they are never frozen and have no preservatives what-so-ever. We work directly with our fish meal suppliers and pay them a premium to have ORIJEN fish meals preserved naturally with Vitamin E, Citric acid and Rosemary extract instead of the commonly used ethoxyquin preservative.
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MELAMINE: Are ORIJEN products affected by the melamine related pet food recalls?
A: No. We do not use vegetable proteins (wheat, rice or corn glutens) in the production of ORIJEN and all ORIJEN meat ingredients are sourced fresh within our region. All ORIJEN protein ingredients are produced in Canada to meet the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) standards.
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KIBBLE SHAPE AND COLOR: Why are there sometimes variances on the ORIJEN kibble?
A: ORIJEN is a natural product produced in small batches from FRESH local ingredients. Such “niche” or “specialty” production means that there are small variances in the ORIJEN size, color and shape.
We like to explain these variances by comparing pet food to a bakery: consider buying bread from a specialty bakery in your neighborhood – while the bread will taste the same, the loaf will be a little different each time. However, if you buy your bread in a plastic bag from Walmart, it will probably look exactly the same every time…
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BOTANICALS: Why do ORIJEN foods contain botanicals?
A: ORIJEN is designed to match the natural diet as closely as is possible in a kibble format. Botanicals are a part of the natural diet for all cats and dogs, and play an important role in bridging the gap between good health and peak conditioning. The botanicals found in ORIJEN are selected by one of North America’s leading Homeopathic Veterinarians.
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IODINE: ORIJEN contains kelp so is ORIJEN high in iodine?
A: No. ORIJEN diets contain between 4.0 mg/kg and 6.0 mg/kg of iodine from Kelp – close to the lower limits for iodine established by AAFCO. The kelp in ORIJEN is rich in 64 minerals that are in a highly bioavailable organic form.
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MEAT QUALITY: Are ORIJEN meats human grade?
A: Yes. All ORIJEN fresh meats (chicken, fish, turkey, eggs) are of table quality. Chicken, fish and turkey meals are produced exclusively from animals that are certified as fit for human consumption by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).
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Well-Known Member
27 Δεκεμβρίου 2008
Illinois, USA
Σεντόνι βγήκε:

FRESH VS. RAW INGREDIENTS?What’s the difference?
A: RAW means the ingredient has not been cooked before processing, but has been preserved either by freezing, chemical preservatives, or a combination of both.
FRESH means the meats are never frozen and contain no preservatives. Unlike most commercial pet foods, ORIJEN is made with FRESH REGIONAL MEATS that are processed the same day we receive them, and are a key factor in the superior palatability and feeding performance of ORIJEN.
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TAURINE: ORIJEN contains taurine, what is its source?
A: ORIJEN cat foods list Taurine in the Guaranteed Analysis but not in the Ingredient Panel. This is because ORIJEN is very rich in meats (in which Taurine is naturally present) and therefore no supplementation is required. Most foods do not contain sufficient Taurine in natural form (from meat) and so must supplement with a Taruine ingredient.
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CHICKEN: Where do your chicken ingredients come from?
A: Our chicken ingredients come from the ALBERTA CHICKEN PRODUCERS and are made fresh from grain-fed Alberta chickens. Our fresh chicken is table grade and arrives FRESH – never frozen and without any preservatives – and is processed into ORIJEN the day it is received. Our chicken meals and fats are produced from human-grade chicken ingredients in Alberta, Canada.
Please go here to learn more about our chicken ingredients. ORIJEN INGREDIENTS
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EGGS: Where do your eggs come from?
A: All eggs in ORIJEN are from ALBERTA EGG PRODUCERS. Our eggs are table grade and arrive FRESH – never frozen and without any preservatives – and are processed into ORIJEN the same day they are received.
Please go here to learn more about our egg ingredients. ORIJEN INGREDIENTS
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FRESH FISH: Where do ORIJEN fresh fish come from?
A: Our Fresh fish are wild-caught from clean northern lakes of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Winnipeg and the North West Territories of Canada.
Please go here to learn more about our fish ingredients. ORIJEN INGREDIENTS
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FRESH FISH: Do you test fish for heavy metals?
A: Yes. Although our fish are fished from clean northern lakes, our supplier provides us with heavy metal and mercury test results. All our fresh fish are fit for human consumption, meet all Government of Canada food regulations for daily consumption, and are a world-class source of long-chain omega 3 fatty acids.
Please go here to learn more about our fish ingredients. ORIJEN INGREDIENTS
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FRESH FISH: Are your fresh fish wild-caught or farmed?
A: All fresh fish in ORIJEN are caught wild in Canada’s northern lakes or pacific seas.
The Fresh Water Fish Company of Canada advocates controlled and sustainable fishing practices, and so the fish caught to produce ORIJEN are fished in a responsible and sustainable fashion.
Please go here to learn more about our fish ingredients. ORIJEN INGREDIENTS
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POTATOES are night shade vegetables? Are they healthy?
A: Potato is a healthy alternative to the grains in most of today’s processed pet foods. Our potatoes are processed at low temperature (90c) and do not contain skins or leafs.
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VITAMIN K3 (MENADIONE): Does ORIJEN contain Vitamin K3?
A: All Champion Petfoods’ diets are entirely free of Vitamin K3.
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Well-Known Member
27 Δεκεμβρίου 2008
Illinois, USA
Το τέλος:


OUTSOURCING: Does Champion outsource the production of ORIJEN Petfoods?
A: No. ORIJEN products are made exclusively within our own factories here in Morinville, Alberta, Canada.
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FACTORY: Does Champion Petfoods produce ORIJEN in their own factories?
A: Yes. Champion owns their own state-of-the-art pet food processing facilities in Morinville, Alberta where we make ORIJEN and ACANA pet foods.
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OUTSOURCING: Many pet foods are made at factories that are not owned or controlled by the brand. What about ORIJEN?
A: ORIJEN is made exclusively in our own factories and ORIJEN is never made or packaged in any other facility.
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CHAMPION PETFOODS: How long has Champion been making pet foods?
A: Since 1975 - over a quarter century.
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CHAMPION PETFOODS: What makes Champion different from the typical multinational pet food makers?
A: Champion is a family owned-and-operated, boutique pet food producer with a mission that is simple and strong: make world-class pet foods from fresh regional ingredients.
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URINARY HEALTH? Does ORIJEN promote urinary health?
A: Yes. Due to the high meat content and low magnesium content, ORIJEN is naturally acidic and helps promote a healthy bladder.
ORIJEN foods have a pH of about 5.5, which is naturally mildly acidic and well suited to the maintenance of healthy bladder function in both cats and dogs.
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OVERWEIGHT DOGS AND CATS: Is ORIJEN suitable for overweight cats and dogs?
A: Yes. ORIJEN has a Biologically Appropriate distribution of energy, where more energy is supplied from protein and less energy is supplied from carbohydrate.
Carbohydrates are an empty calorie, which means they have no essential function in the body and provide only sugar for energy, which converts quickly to glucose in the blood. If carbohydrates are provided in excess (as they often are), the convert easily into body fat.
Protein supplies the same amount of energy as carbohydrate but has a very different effect on the body. Unlike carbohydrate, protein is essential for life, but is when present in excess protein is NOT stored in the body as fat; it is simply removed from the body through natural elimination functions.
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A: NO. ORIJEN has quite the opposite effect. As ORIJEN is high in protein, dogs and cats typically show an increase in lean muscle mass after a month or so. ORIJEN is low in carbohydrate, so most cats and dogs actually lose body fat when fed ORIJEN.
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A: NO. There is no study in science to show a higher protein diet has any negative effect on the kidneys of dogs or cats. In fact, scientific studies show quite the opposite; dogs with poor kidney functions or dogs that had only one kidney showed improved health on higher protein diets.
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A: YES. The main dietary concerns for large breed puppies and dogs are assuring appropriate calcium and energy levels in the food.
CALCIUM: The ideal calcium content for large breeds is thought to be between 1.0 and 1.4% on an “as fed” basis. It is believed that calcium in excess of 3% on a dry weight basis can predispose to significant skeletal abnormalities. When formulating for large breeds it is also important to keep in mind that certain vitamins (Vitamin D) can increase absorption of dietary calcium (to possibly excessive levels). ORIJEN is formulated to meet these calcium ideals.
ENERGY: If too many calories are supplied and consumed on a daily basis, too rapid growth can result and the excess mass that must be supported on an immature skeleton can result in damage to skeletal tissue, with subsequent malformation and/or malarticulation of joints.
There are 3 sources of energy in commercial pet foods; protein, fat and carbohydrate. ORIJEN is moderate in fat, high in protein and, importantly, very low in carbohydrate.
Carbohydrate has no essential function in the body, and as it converts to sugar quickly and easily, carbohydrate is the most common dietary cause of excess weight. Restricting carbohydrate in the diet is ideal for promoting peak physical conditioning in all dogs, including large breed puppies and dogs.
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A: Research into the growth of Great Danes (Nap RC, The Netherlands,) has shown that the protein level of a diet has no significant influence on skeletal development. High protein intake does not result in increased risk for OCD or HD, and there is no effect on the development in the longitudinal growth of the bone." Additionally, while protein does not cause orthopedic problems, other nutrients can.
It is not excess protein that causes joint problems, but over feeding dogs can contribute to arthritis and orthopedic problems. Please note that most orthopedic and joint problems are inherited, but puppies and dogs that are over weight have a greater chance of an increase in pain and discomfort, and the potential of developing orthopedic problems as younger animals and arthritis later on in their life.
And while some nutritionists recommend feeding more fiber than meat and protein for weight gain, this can also have consequences, as it can block absorption.

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A: The Zea Mays in ORIJEN is CORN SILK which is actually classified as an herb or botanical – not a grain. Corn Silk is NOT made from grain but rather from filaments from the flowers of female corn plant. This costly botanical features Maizenic Acid as an active ingredient and is formulated in ORIJEN diets at 300mg/kg. As corn silk does not contain corn starch or corn protein it poses absolutely no risk to dogs that may have corn allergies.
Corn silk is used to treat urinary tract infections and kidney stones and is regarded as a soothing diuretic useful for any irritation of the urinary system (a common health problem in today’s companion dogs and cats). As corn silk is used as a kidney remedy and in the regulation of fluids, this herb is believed to be helpful in treating high blood pressure and water retention.
As a well known herbal remedy, corn silk is used to treat urinary conditions in countries including the United Sates, China, Haiti, Turkey, and Trinidad. Furthermore, in China, corn silk as a component in an herbal formula is used to treat diabetes.


Well-Known Member
27 Δεκεμβρίου 2008
Illinois, USA
Εννοείται. Αλλά συζητάνε αναλυτικά τα περί υψηλής πρωτεΐνης. Πάντως για τα εργασιακά και υπερδραστήρια σκυλιά βγάζουν κι άλλες εταιρείες ειδικές τροφές. Επίσης μου έκανε εντύπωση το ότι η κτηνιατρική τροφή διαίτης του Μουφ ήταν χαμηλή σε πρωτεΐνες.


Well-Known Member
27 Δεκεμβρίου 2008
Illinois, USA
Μάλλον λοιπόν καλύτερα ν' αφήσω το Μουφ ήσυχο αφού τρώει την Pro Plan με όρεξη και χωρίς προβλήματα.


Well-Known Member
19 Απριλίου 2011
Sara αφού σε προβληματίζει η υψηλή περιεκτικότητα σε πρωτείνη, γιατί δεν δοκιμάζεις την Acana; Από τον Καναδά και αυτή. Τουλάχιστον εγώ που την χρησιμοποιώ κάνα 2μηνο δεν είχα προβλήματα. Ή την artemis (http://www.artemiscompany.com/about.asp), που είναι αμερικάνικη και με καλές κριτικές;


Well-Known Member
27 Δεκεμβρίου 2008
Illinois, USA
H Acana είναι δυσεύρετη στις ΗΠΑ. Στο Ιλλινόι μπορεί να τη βρει κανείς μόνο στο Σικάγο που είναι τρεις ώρες μακρυά. Και η Amazon δεν προσφέρει καλές τιμές γι' αυτήν, αντίθετα με την Orijen.

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